Links of interest
- OUANE (University Office of Attention to People with Special Needs)
- IRIE (Institute of Research and Educational Innovation)
- CLIB (Speech therapist school of the Balearic Islands)
- COPIB (Official College of Psychology of the Balearic Islands)
- ATELBA (Specific Disorder of the Language Association of the Balearic Islands)
- AELFA (Spanish Association of Speech Therapy and Audiology)
- AEAL (Association for the Study of Language Acquisition)
- IN (Early Childhood Initiatives and Families)
- Degree in Pedagogy
- Degree in Psychology
- Degree in Early Childhood Education
- Degree in Primary Education
- Degree in Social Education
Projects and conferences
- Documentary ''Es Midoniu. Vernos para rehacer''
- 5º Report of the III Atelca Conference, where Dr. Eva Mª Aguilar Mediavilla talks about the social skills of children with TEL.
- Library and documentation
- Linguistic Service of the UIB
- Faculty of Education of the UIB
- Department of Orientation and Professional Insertion
- Ministry of Education and University of Government of the Balearic Island
- Annual directory of the education of the Balearic Islands 2016
- Institute for Coexistence and School Succes
- General Management of Professional Training and Teacher Training